Find out about the process for specific services offered by Juxt Refined
As we do with all things, we start by listening. Listening to you to find out is there anything you already had in mind as far as a concept. Are there colors that you are keen on using? Is there a certain emotion that should be felt when looking over the design such as calming, professional, playful, trustworthy or the like?
After our initial talks on the necessities of your web site as far as functionality are concerned, pages and sections that are needed, and other additions that you would like to be incorporated into your web site. We then take the time to draft a concept for the website that is a visual representation of what the website will look like before any coding, or creating, of web pages takes place.
If you find that something needs adjustment we go back and make another image of what the website will look like before producing any functioning web pages. This is done to help nail down an agreed upon look of the site before it becomes cost prohibitive to recreate the web pages. Because essentially it would mean starting over from scratch. Once we have given the design your blessing to proceed we diligently get to work to make sure the functioning web site is as beautiful as the mockup images we sent you.
We would love to give you the identifying mark that people will come to know and associated your business with. Logo Design is one of the few design elements that will go on the rest of your marketing materials, and we take it very seriously the responsibility to make that represent you in an appropriate way. Due to the fact that logo design is generally the same small process and doesn't vary as far as time from customer to customer we are able to give you a semi-flat rate price. For one hundred dollars we will draft multiple variations of the name you would like to use. This will give you at least three unique logo options to choose from.
But it is far from limited to three, often we have given upwards of ten different logos for the client to narrow down to. This price also includes one series of revisions to help you tweak the initial concepts on things like: color palette, font used, and other design elements. What if you need to beyond the initial one round of revisions? Not to worry, additional revisions can be negotiated at the time they are deemed necessary by you. Generally speaking, this is unnecessary as 95% of logos created by us never need more than one round of revisions.