Logo Design
Many businesses have a logo designed as an after thought to a website. Sadly, this line of thought can truly lead to regret. Why is that? Well, out of all the marketing materials your business will have produced the logo is the one piece of art that will be a consistent representation of the quality of work you believe in.

It is the one thing all respective clients will see at some point or another. If not given the proper attention it deserves at the beginning of business creation can lead to clients seeing everything you do as unprofessional. It can also be very expensive to have to replace all your existing materials in order to replace clip art you used initially as a place holder and never got around to swapping out. Don't let that happen to you.

Let Juxt Refined make sure that doesn't happen to you.
Recent Logo Design
find out about the recently designed logo for overview facility management
Overview Facility Management is an online application used for tracking businesses with multiple locations inventory. So when designing the logo it was important to visually represent the websites purpose.
We accomplished this by using the inner outline of an arrow that is often seen in online map applications to denote the websites tracking of locations. We then used the outline of that arrow and implied the structure of a building. We also worked in the first letter in each part of the businesses name, O.F.M.
A neutral color palette was selected to make the management pages of the web site soothing to use on a day-to-day basis without distractions that would occur from overly vivid colors.